
"Creating Awareness"


Ishraque Gulrays is one of the most inspiring & recognized sports speaker. His activeness towards bringing awareness in the field of sport is highly impact-making & valuable.

Guest Speaker - Growing Buddies.....#Let's Grow Together

Featured in
The Entrepreneurs of India

Ishraque Gulrays: I’ve always been inclined to sports from a very young age. First Football and then, around the early ’90s, the wonderful sport of tennis caught my fancy and I was immediately drawn to it
My supportive parents soon began searching for a coaching institute and my father finally found one in Bhavans College and enrolled me there.
Tennis came Naturally to me. Within 6 months, I began playing tournaments and within a year, I was playing state-level tournaments. Later became the U-14 champion and was among the top-ranked players in Maharashtra, the top 20 players in the junior category in the State and in the top 50 in the country. Later became the captain of the Mithibai college tennis team and was the vice-captain of the Mumbai University team. I went on to win a lot of competitions and bought home many laurels, before I was compelled to give up a profession in tennis due to lack of sponsorships, at the age of 21.
Life took over and I got engrossed in the daily hustle-bustle of life. However, as it is said that, what is meant to be, will be. Finally, after I started a family came a time when I had to nurture another baby.
I left my well-paid job for sports and decided to join back the Industry, I successfully got an opportunity to manage twenty different sports in Goregaon Sports Club which opened a huge pathway for sports for me. I learned a lot about sports and management of various sports while I worked as the Head of Sports Management at the club. In 2016 I decided to start on my own: Sportnicians – The Sports People.
We aim to help you reconnect with the hidden sportsperson in you. Our services include Sports Coaching, Sports Event & Tournaments, Sports Facility Management, and Sports Infrastructure among many others. Please feel free to reach out to us on Instagram @sportnicians or Facebook at ‘Sportnicians-The Sports People’.
I believe that everyone should listen to their heart and follow their passion because even if you face hardships, in the beginning, you’ll surely reach your goal and love whatever you’re doing. It is all about the leap of faith and the journey.

Featured on Entrepreneur's Midas Touch

Guest Speaker - NASM Orientation Day 2020

Featured in The Entrepreneur Ethics

Ishraque Gulrays – The Initiator (Owner & Founder) of Sportnicians – The Sports People has played lawn tennis at the international level.
Ishraque Gulrays founded Sportnicians – The Sports People with an intent to ensure every individual is connected to & pursues a sport. Sportnicians cater to everyone, from first time participants to professional athletes.

Passion for sports is the core of our business.

Here are some of the milestones that have been achieved by Sportnicians.

1. Recognised amongst the Top 10 Promising Sport Consultants in India for 2020 by Silicon India Consultants.
2. Recognised amongst The Top 10 Most Enterprising Sports Companies 2020 by Swift N Lift Business Magazine.
3. Ishraque Gulrays has been a Guest Speaker at various Educational Institutions, Sports Management Institutes & other platforms.
4. Officially manage Tennis Premier League (TPL) which is equivalent to the Indian Premier League (IPL) in Tennis in India.
5. Supporting Association for the Times of India Global Sports Show 2018.
6. Regularly invited for the Mumbai City FC Summits & our academy students have escorted the Indian Super League (ISL) Players during the ISL on the football field.
7. Sports Casting partner for brands like Puma, Apollo Tyres – Manchester United, Surf Excel etc.

Our services include Sports Coaching, Events & Tournaments, Sports Facility Management, Sports Infrastructure among many others. With a strong endeavour of being customer centric & our passion for sports, we are always available for our clients. Please feel free to reach out to us on Instagram @sportnicians or Facebook at ‘Sportnicians-The Sports People’.

I strongly believe that one must diligently follow their passions and realise their dreams. One is sure to battle many challenges however it’s all about taking a leap of faith. Success is just a journey for us at Sportnicians.

Featured in The prashna chinha

Ishraque Gulrays is the founder of Sportnicians, a one-stop destination for all sports for everyone. They provide coaching, sporting equipment, merchandise, conduct events and adventure trips & much more.”

“My ultimate aim is to make India a sporting giant. We always talk about India’s failing Olympics but never talk about what we have done to improve it. India is a country of 1.3 Billion people, we don’t lack the talent but lack the good infrastructure, facility and training. We’re not giving them a proper stage to showcase their skills and some of their dreams destroyed due to politics behind the scene. I want to make sure we can do something to change that.” says Ishraque

“We make sure that we have the right set of coaching, values, and training. When we conduct a tournament, training session & event’s, we put ourselves in other people’s perspectives and how they’d like it. We also adopted a Never Say No Policy, We’d always try to find alternatives to accommodate ourselves to their request.”

Ishraque attributes his success to his family, as they’ve supported him during his difficult times when he had nothing. There is nothing more important than family in your life.”

Skill Development Academy

Faculty Invite - Ironwood Sports Management

Mr. Ishraque Gulrays has been invited by Ironwood Sports Management Global Academy as the faculty for their PGDSM batch.

Greycells Education Ltd evolved from the need for a globally top-ranked and distinctive Institute dedicated to providing world-class vocational courses into Sports and Event Management and allied areas. The Institute is an initiative brought to you by EMDI and Ironwood, which has over 19 years of education training experience. Greycells Education Ltd will ensure that potential aspirants learn the art of Sports and Event planning, taught by a pool of industry experts with live experiences provided by companies on the job.

The batch Mr. Gulrays will be addressing is pursuing a full-time PG course in Sports Management. The students are all graduates, some also have prior work experience. They are essentially sports enthusiast / sportspeople who wish to make a career in the sports industry.

Featured in the Wolf of Start Up

Ishraque Gulrays – The Initiator (Owner & Founder) of Sportnicians – The Sports People has played lawn tennis at the international level.  Ishraque Gulrays founded Sportnicians – The Sports People with the aim to fuel the dream of every individual of staying connected to sports. Sportnicians cater to everyone, from first time participants to professional athletes. Passion for sports is the core of our business & our goal is to be the leading sports company that caters to all of your sport’s needs.
Some of the milestones achieved by Sportnicians are as follows 👇
1. Recognised amongst the Top 10 Promising Sport Consultants in India for 2020 by Silicon India Consultants.
 2. Recognised in The Top 10 Most Enterprising Sports Companies 2020 by Swift & Lift Business Magazine.
3. Ishraque Gulrays has been a Guest Speaker at various Educational Institutions, Sports Management Institutes & other platforms.
 4. Preferred Sports Partner for esteemed MNC’s & Educational Institutes.
 5. Officially manage Tennis Premier League (TPL) which is equivalent to the Indian Premier League (IPL) in Tennis in India.
 6. Supporting Association for the Times of India Global Sports Show 2018.
 7. Regularly invited for the Mumbai City FC Summits & our academy students have escorted the Indian Super League (ISL) Players during the ISL on the football field.
8.Sports Casting partner for brands like Puma, Apollo Tyres – Manchester United, Surf Excel etc.
9.Ishraque Gulrays has been invited as Chief Guest on the occasion of Sports Day in various educational institutes, International Schools etc. Their services include Sports Coaching, Sports Event & Tournaments, Sports Facility Management, & Sports Infrastructure among many others. With a strong endeavour of being customer centric and their passion for sports, they are literally available 24/7 for their clients.

Featured in The Head Story

Ishraque Gulrays – The Initiator (Owner & Founder) of @sportnicians – The Sports People has played lawn tennis at the international level. He founded Sportnicians – The Sports People to fuel the dream of every individual of staying connected to sports. Sportnicians cater to everyone, from first-time participants to professional athletes.

Passion for sports is the core of our business & our goal is to be the leading sports company that caters to all of your sport’s needs. Despite its odds, Sportnicians- The Sports People have had some massive accomplishments this year.

• Recognized amongst the Top 10 Promising Sports Consultants in India 2020 by Silicon India Consultants.
• Recognized amongst India’s 10 Most Enterprising Sports Management Companies 2020 by SwiftnLift Media & Tech LLP.
• Awarded for our work in the field of Sports & Fitness by Growing Buddies & The Entrepreneurs of India at the GBTEOIENTREPRENUERAWARDS2020.

Some other milestones achieved by Sportnicians are as follows:

1. Ishraque Gulrays has been a Guest Speaker at various Educational Institutions, Sports Management Institutes & other platforms.
2. Preferred Sports Partner for esteemed MNC’s & Educational Institutes.
3. Officially manage Tennis Premier League (TPL) which is equivalent to the Indian Premier League (IPL) in Tennis in India.
4. Supporting Association for the Times of India Global Sports Show 2018.
5. Regularly invited for the Mumbai City FC Summits & our academy students have escorted the Indian Super League (ISL) Players during the ISL on the football field.
6. Sports Casting partner for brands like Puma, Apollo Tyres – Manchester United, Surf Excel, etc.
7. Ishraque Gulrays has been invited as Chief Guest on the occasion of Sports Day in various educational institutes, International Schools, etc.

Guest Speaker – Ironwood Sports Management

Talk To The Expert- An Initiative

Join Initiative of SportsBizNet & Khelomore

Initiative “ Talk to experts” has been launched.

Launching this as an opportunity for parents who have career related questions about their kids future in sports to talk to respective experts.

Kindly note the following:

1) This is a joint initiative between SportsBiznet and Khelomore.
2) The following sports personalities have agreed to be a part of this initiative

A) Jatin Paranjpe – Cricket
B) Henry Menezes – Football
C) Abhinav Sinha – Squash
D) Ashok Anjara – Basketball
E) Ishraque Gulrays – Lawn Tennis

Follow Your Passion- Motivation

Guest Speaker - Reinvent Bizness - Games of Entrepreneurship

Guest Speaker - The Entrepreneurs of India (TEOI)

Chief Guest - Pinnacle High International School Sports Day

Chief Guest - Pinnacle High International School Sports Day

Pinnacle High International School invited Mr. Ishraque Gulrays to give motivational & encouraging speech to their students.

Mr. Gulrays addressed multiple grades in the school.

Along with the students their parents were also present while Mr. Gulrays gave positive reinforcement and encouraged students to follow their passion.

The sessions were highly appreciated and they created a positive impact as well.

Mr. Gulrays was thankful to the students, parents and management of Pinnacle High International School.

Guest Speaker - Giants Group of Mumbai One

Viva Footbal Magzine Article

Chief Guest - Aptech Montana International Pre School’s Sports Day

Chief Guest - Bombay Cambridge International School’s 25th Anniversary Celebrations & Sports Day